Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Op Shop Treasures

Today my Mum and I went shopping, which doesn't mean much because I live in this teeny weeny little town, and the only shops we've got are on the main street. But they's still really good ones. So anyway, after we came out of the Clothes Bin (this neat shop wich sells really good clothes) I saw the op shop. You know, the one where people dump all they're pre-loved goods, and other people buy it for a VERY cheap price? Yeah, well, I've never actually been to this one, not that I've been to very many op shops, so I said 'Mum, lets go in there!'
So we went in, and I found this REALLY cool necklace made out of red dice and little flower shaped beads, only for like, $2.00! I loved it. You know I love unusual jewellery and accesories. Some Op Shops donate a bit of their money to charities like the Bushfire Apeal (Victoria had a TERRIBLE bushfire recently). So I skipped out of the shop feelng like I REALLY helped someone!
If you want to danate to the Bushfire apeal go to

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my God, I love op shops. I find the best clothes from years ago, that aren't available anymore. And yes, I've found some very nice pieces of jewellery to pull apart and remake, or fix up and wear.